Varilite Brochure

In this issue of Bespoke Plus we champion the new Batec Mini2 and invite you to compare and choose the model best for you online, provide information on the CADA association, a new SmartDrive MX2+ review, the Marathon Plus, and other Bits and Bytes … read here

Varilite Brochure

In this issue of Bespoke Plus we provide information on the all new Batec MINI 2, EasyStand overview, an update on National Seating and Mobility (NSM), OSOT’s Virtual Conference, Terry Fox Run September 20th, and other Bits and Bytes! read here

Varilite Brochure

Bespoke Plus Volume 18 Number 245 In this issue of Bespoke Plus we talk about Matia Robotics and their Tek RMD, remember a pioneer in Wheelchair Sport Barry Butler, CADA Update, Batecing the World, and other Bits and Bytes!read here

Contact Info

1 51BCaldari

49 Bespoke Inc. (formerly RGK Wheelchairs, Inc.) is a privately owned company founded in 2002 to market and promote BESPOKE (custom Made) RGK Wheelchairs in North America.


49 Bespoke Inc.
137 Buttermill Avenue
Concord, Ontario
L4K 3X5 Canada


+1 (416) 661-4499

Hours of Operation

10:00am to 6:00pm